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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Willie Lose: the black baby are defeat - IRB

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 Willie Lose: The Baby Blacks are beatable Luke Whitelock scores one of New Zealand's 14 tries against WalesThe question could anyone stop New Zealand’s dominance of the IRB Junior World Championship had already been posed in many circles, even before they took Wales apart to win 92-0 on Tuesday.

We sat down with TV commentators Nigel Starmer-Smith and Willie Lose to get their thoughts on the rout and to put them on the spot with the big question ... will anyone beat New Zealand in Italy?

Let's just say, they couldn't quite agree on that one.

IRB.COM: What impressed you about the Baby Blacks against Wales?

Willie Lose: “I just think the New Zealand team got on a roll, they found mismatches, they broke tackles and then it became a bit like a Sevens festival where forwards were running like backs and backs were going in and cleaning out.

“Disappointing for the Welsh team obviously, but I think part of it was it they were targeting their last game against Italy and were possibly saving a bit in reserve, which is disappointing because I thought they should have given New Zealand a real crack.”

Nigel Starmer-Smith: “I didn’t see this match, but I saw them against Italy and the thing I find terrifically enjoyable about their performance is the fact they don’t grind teams down, they are actually beating them for skills.

"Their back division is small by comparison with many of the other teams and yet they have this individual ability, like Charles Piutau and the midfield players and Gareth Anscombe. A confidence, an ability to just vary the game and keep the ball in the hands which other teams seem to be a little bit negative about, yet they seem a class above everyone else by a mile at the moment.”

VIDEO: John Kirwan reflects on New Zealand's performances at JWC 2011

IRB.COM: So, the big question, how do you stop the Baby Blacks?

Nigel Starmer-Smith: Well I think they have tried that for three years at the Junior World Championship and no-one has really got very near to them! I mean England did a couple of years ago but first impressions are that there is one team and the rest. I don’t see anyone at the moment who is actually going to give them a fight.

“You keep thinking well maybe the other teams are sort of getting their act together, but put it this way, the northern hemisphere teams have all had five matches in preparation to get their team together, New Zealand just come in after a warm up against Tonga and suddenly they are in the groove and at the moment they look, it is rather like men and boys.

“Having said that, I think there is a lot of potential with England and South Africa.”

Willie Lose: “For me, I think the way you beat New Zealand is you take them on at your own strength. I think you have got to psychologically get inside their heads by matching them at set pieces, at scrum and lineout, and then attacking them with ball in hand. I think if you are going to kick them you are basically saying we don’t know what to do with the ball, here you go, you run it back to us and we will try and defend you.

“I think there are teams – like England, South Africa, Australia – who are really going to push them and even Argentina, who are proud at the set pieces will test them there. Sadly for Argentina they kick a lot of ball away, which plays into New Zealand’s hands.

“For me, having watched New Zealand, I don’t think this is as skilful a side as the one that we saw last year, or as fit I should say because I thought the team last year was the fittest I have seen a New Zealand side.

“This team is not as fit and I don’t think they are as skilful as last year, I think there are some weaknesses and Italy exposed it. You saw how the Italians defended so magnificently in that opening game and then they scored a try to their full back, [Michele Visentin].

“Why, because they ran straight, their full back came off an angle, went straight at the backs, bumped off Sopoaga, then the offload and they scored, so if you are prepared to actually chance your arm against these guys, put doubt in their mind, that is how I think you beat New Zealand.

“They are great at attacking and I just think it is still a psychological game for me and I think that New Zealand are a confident side and they build momentum because of that, if England can muscle up against them, South Africa certainly won’t have a problem, nor will Australia, and you have got to fight fire with fire, you can’t try and break them down and try and find an individual weakness because in the team environment they all cover those, so you have got to attack them as a team.

Nigel Starmer-Smith: You say that, but having seen two of the real challengers, England and South Africa, they had a mighty problem to suppress Ireland and Scotland. All credit to those two sides. England had slaughtered Scotland in the Six Nations back at home early on, but against Ireland and then Scotland they really had a battle.

“I can’t see any weaknesses in this New Zealand side and not having seen them play against Wales I still do think they look the same calibre of last year when they were again head and shoulders above the rest.

 “I have absolutely no doubt already that there’s only one winner yet again and it looks like four in a row for the Baby Blacks.”

VIDEO: New Zealand run riot in Italy

Willie Lose: “New Zealand have scored 122 over the years in this competition, they’ve only conceded 13. That tells me that this is a side and a country that loves to attack but they’re also proud on defence. That is what other teams have got to get over is being able to score against the side.

“The biggest danger for New Zealand in my view is how do they keep their feet on the ground. I spoke with [captain] Luke Whitelock’s father after the game and he said to me the danger he feels at the moment is that, after 92 points, what do you say to the guys at the next training session for them not to start thinking that they’re actually better than they are. It’s a matter now of keeping their feet on the ground and making sure they don’t start thinking they’ve won the game even though the final is two weeks away."
Nigel Starmer-Smith: “By contrast, England and South Africa have had hard games. Some would say, coaches would say, in a way that’s a better preparation. If you’ve won a game within 15 minutes of the game starting, how do you suddenly jump from an easy, comfortable win to a real contest. The others will be battle prepared. They [New Zealand] won’t be battled hardened because they haven’t had a battle.”
IRB.COM: Haven’t we said that every year though, that they haven’t been tested in the pool stages and they’ve still won the title?

Willie Lose: “I think this year’s different. I don’t think this side is as good as ones in the past, with respect, and so it’s going to be interesting who actually has a crack at them, who’s prepared to roll their sleeves up and say we’ll take you on at your own game.”
Nigel Starmer-Smith: “I find that hard to understand. I mean, you win by 92-0 against Wales, you beat Italy 64-7. To me they looked every bit as good as last time, but then we’ll only know the truth when it comes to the crunch games.”
Willie Lose: “The fear I have about sides not taking on New Zealand at their own game is that these guys look good because they are comfortable. They’ve got a great platform, they’re going forward, you could put any of the first fives from other teams in that position and they also would look good.

“So it all comes down to pressure. We’ve seen when guys are put under pressure whether they cope or not and that’s what you need to do, you need to put the class players like the Gareth Anscombes and the Lima Sopoagas under pressure and just see whether they can control it.”

Only time will tell if Lose or Starmer-Smith are proven right.

Listen to the full interview to find out what Lose and Starmer-Smith have made of Australia, England, South Africa and France, the other contenders for a semi final spot.

View the original article here

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